New Phantoms to Enhance Quality Assurance at NeuRA Imaging

New Phantoms to Enhance Quality Assurance at NeuRA Imaging

NeuRA Imaging has introduced advanced imaging phantoms to enhance quality assurance and standardization, supporting research and clinical excellence in MRI imaging.

NeuRA Imaging has recently acquired new phantoms from Gold Standard Phantoms to ensure the quality and reproducibility of images obtained on our Philips 3T Ingenia MRI scanner. These phantoms will play a critical role in maintaining high imaging standards and facilitating quality assurance and control (QA/QC) procedures.

Among the new acquisitions is the spherical Spirit phantom, which will be instrumental in the National Imaging Facility-led MRNet project. This initiative aims to harmonize imaging protocols across multiple MRI sites in Australia, ensuring consistency and reliability in multi-centre research studies.

Additionally, NeuRA Imaging has received two cylindrical MultiSample120E phantoms on behalf of the National Imaging Facility. These phantoms come pre-filled with 24 vials configured for diffusion and relaxometry, providing an ideal setup for imaging protocol development and advanced imaging method validation.

Initial tests of the phantoms on our MRI scanner have already begun, yielding some nice images!