Category: Education

NeuRA Imaging: Advancing Knowledge in MRI Physics

NeuRA Imaging has hosted a series of educational sessions teaching the fundamentals of MRI Physics. Led by Philips Clinical Scientist, Iain Ball, the initial sessions of the course focused on the foundational aspects of MRI Physics. Topics covered included magnetism and magnetic fields, nuclear magnetic resonance, MR instrumentation, relaxation, spin density, and T1, T2, T2* …

MRI Safety at NeuRA Imaging: What You Need to Know Before Using Our Philips 3T Scanner

NeuRA Imaging is committed to ensuring the highest standards of MRI safety, offering an induction course for researchers who wish to use our state-of-the-art MRI scanner. Our Philips 3T MRI scanner isn’t just a top-of-the-line research tool; it’s also an open-access facility fully dedicated to academic, industry, and clinical research. But we offer more than …

Series of consensus reference papers for MR spectroscopy

Working groups from the MRS study group of the ISMRM have been working on a series of consensus papers covering aspects of magnetic resonance spectroscopy, which, together, make a valuable reference library for anyone contemplating planning, acquiring, analyzing and publishing studies that use MRS. In 2019 a manuscript that covered recommended methods for acquiring clinical …