NeuRA Imaging: Advancing Knowledge in MRI Physics

NeuRA Imaging: Advancing Knowledge in MRI Physics

NeuRA Imaging has hosted a series of educational sessions teaching the fundamentals of MRI Physics.

Led by Philips Clinical Scientist, Iain Ball, the initial sessions of the course focused on the foundational aspects of MRI Physics. Topics covered included magnetism and magnetic fields, nuclear magnetic resonance, MR instrumentation, relaxation, spin density, and T1, T2, T2* relaxation. These fundamental concepts serve as the building blocks for understanding the principles behind magnetic resonance imaging.

In the upcoming sessions scheduled for this week at NeuRA, the course is set to delve into more advanced topics. These will include contrast mechanisms and the intricacies of image acquisition in MRI. The NeuRA Imaging user community has well-received the course, serving as a valuable educational tool. Participants have included researchers managing projects on the Philips 3T MRI scanner at NeuRa Imaging. They have had the opportunity to deepen their understanding of MRI Physics through question-and-answer sessions, enhancing their knowledge and skills in medical imaging.