Category: Research


Standards Standards are good. Open standards are even better as they give everyone access to the information required to build solutions without barriers. Open standards also help prevent single entities from controlling access or dominating the landscape due to proprietary knowledge or similar. Formats DICOM is a standard that has been around since the mid-80s. …

Accelerated imaging using Compressed SENSE

The Philips 3T Ingenia MRI scanner at NeuRA Imaging has a number of unique features that researchers can take advantage of for faster image acquisition. One of these featured is Compressed SENSE which can an acceleration technique that can speed up scan times by up to 50% via incomplete sampling of k-space It works by …

NeuRA Imaging Facility closed during COVID-19 pandemic

The NeuRA Imaging Facility is currently closed to all researchers and staff during the current COVID-19 pandemic.  UPDATE (July 1, 2020): NeuRA Imaging is open for limited scanning for pre-approved research studies. During this time, MRI scans acquired will still be available for researchers to access remotely for further analysis. Please email Dr Michael Green …

Constant pain changes the way your brain works, scientists find | ABC News

via the ABC: “For many people living with chronic pain the daily challenges are not only physical but emotional. New Australian research has uncovered physical changes in the brain of pain patients which might explain low mood.”

Picture graphic of two scientists sharing data

Data handling, management and processing

The new NeuRA MRI Facility is officially open for business and with it comes a new data storage and sharing platform. But first – a bit of history. Where it all began NeuRA has been providing research imaging services on-site since 2003, with the establishment of a joint clinical and research partnership between NeuRA (then …

Mapping of cortical somatotopies in chronic Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Recently published in The Journal of Neuroscience is a paper from the PhD thesis of Audrey Wang used the Achieva TX scanner to finely map the somatotopic representation of the fingers in controls and participants with complex regional pain syndrome. It has long been thought that disorders such as CPRS are associated with and even …